Tool Rentals In OR & Southwest WA

What happens when your fleet is missing a piece of equipment that you need? One of the most reliable solutions is to partner with a rental dealer. By renting site support tools from Peterson – The Cat® Rental Store, you can get the equipment you need while maintaining an affordable budget.

We provide a broad selection of site support equipment rentals in Oregon and southwest Washington from Caterpillar and other big-name manufacturers. You need high-quality rentals to stay competitive in this fast-paced market, and we've got you covered no matter what.

How Our Site Support Rentals Improve Your Operations

At Peterson – The Cat Rental Store, we have a wide variety of site support equipment for rent. Whether you work in construction, landscaping, forestry or utilities, it helps to have access to equipment you can rely on during last-minute situations. Our inventory is packed with options, such as:

  • Lawn tools: We have a selection of lawn aerators, tillers and more for land development applications.
  • Personnel carts: Multi-seater carts help you transport personnel and materials around job sites with ease.
  • Pressure washers: Hot and cold Shark pressure washers, such as the Shark DG-383537, provide support for your high-demand cleaning applications.
  • Ride-on brooms: The Broce BW-260 and Tennant Co. 6650 XP ride-on brooms are excellent for street and pavement sweeping jobs.
  • Welders: Diesel drive welders from Lincoln and Miller can support your construction and utility projects.

Why Rent Site Support Equipment for Your Fleet?

With a high-quality rental, you can increase job site productivity and improve your cost management strategies. A tool rental could come in handy for your business at any time. For example, perhaps you're taking on a project that requires more support than your current fleet can handle. Maybe you want to minimize downtime while you have equipment decommissioned for repairs. Whatever the case, we can keep your construction, landscaping or roadwork project on track.

Our tool rentals can help expedite cleanup and other essential site applications. As an added bonus, you can use a rental for as long as you need it without having to arrange long-term maintenance or cover storage costs. Our Oregon tool rentals serve as cost-effective options in a variety of situations.

Peterson – The Cat® Rental Store for Your Industrial Needs

At Peterson – The Cat Rental Store, we rent out all types of heavy equipment for small, medium and larger industrial applications. Thanks to our range of locations throughout Oregon and southwest Washington, we may even be local to your facility or job site. We do our best to make it easy for you to call on our rental solutions whenever you need them. We're here to help with equipment deliveries and ongoing product support.

We keep our tool rentals up to date by providing thorough maintenance and using the latest technology. If you're looking to save time, you can also book operator training sessions with our experts.

Submit a Quote Request to Learn More

Our site support rentals in Oregon and Washington make your operations more efficient and cost-effective. For more information, call 503-280-1899, reach out to one of our store locations or submit a quote request online today.

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