The amount of dust created during projects often has supervisors wondering, "How do I keep my construction site clean?" Minimizing the dust on your job site improves safety, efficiency and results. Learn how to control dust at a construction site with these three tips.
Some of the most important dust control measures happen before you begin working. Try these dust reduction strategies to improve your job site's overall cleanliness:
In outdoor environments, water can control dust that comes from the ground. Many teams spray water on the ground using a tanker due to its affordability and effectiveness. Remember to apply just enough water to reduce dust and avoid erosion.
Two more natural ways to control dust on outdoor job sites include mulching and tilling. Combined with vegetation, mulch can reduce wind erosion. You can also till on the windward side of your job site to reduce the amount of windblown dust.
When you have an indoor project to complete, plastic works well to contain dust and makes it easier to clean up. Sticky and non-sticky plastic sheeting both protect walls and floors from debris. Screens hold dust in your work area to keep the rest of the site clean.
Your staff can also take steps to reduce dust as they work on their projects. The following tips will make your job site cleaner and safer.
Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) like masks reduces the amount of dust that team members inhale. Depending on the amount of dust on your site, you might consider getting powered RPE.
Certain tools have on-tool extraction attachments that remove dust as it appears. It works as a local exhaust ventilation system (LEV) that lowers the amount of dust that the tool produces.
In situations with a high level of dust exposure, rotating your employees on a task will reduce their exposure.
After a team member completes a task involving dust, cleaning up the dust left behind creates a safer work environment. Outdoor and indoor job sites require two different strategies.
Sweep equipment like walk-behind sweepers clean up dust on pavement and roads on outdoor job sites.
When working indoors, you can control dust after a job by wet mopping the area and using a HEPA vacuum.
At The Cat® Rental Store, we have dust control and construction equipment for a variety of projects. With options from Caterpillar and more than 70 trusted brands, you'll have everything you need for an efficient job site. Call 1-800-RENT-CAT or get a quick quote to rent from a team that does whatever it takes for you.
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