The Easiest Way to Remove a Tree

The Easiest Way to Remove a Tree

The tree removal process varies depending on who you ask. It's a relatively straightforward process, no matter which type of equipment you choose. Discover some easy tree removal techniques and learn about the different machines The Cat® Rental Store dealers offer for tree felling.

How to Remove a Tree Efficiently

The easiest way to remove a tree is with rental equipment from The Cat Rental Store. One of the most effective ways to remove a tree from a property is to follow the process below.

1. Use a Feller Buncher

The first step in the process — aside from determining which trees need to be taken down — is to rent a feller buncher and get to work. You will want to use this equipment if you are looking to remove trees rather than transplant them to a new location. The feller buncher will have a cutting head you can use for three parts of the operation — holding, ground placement and cutting.

Feller bunchers help you control the felling to prevent damage to the stand. Depending on your application, you can choose either wheeled or track feller bunchers. You will also have the choice between swing boom and drive-to-tree feller bunchers. There are also three feller buncher attachments: 

  • Processing heads
  • Straight felling heads
  • Bunching heads

2. Transport the Logs

Once you've cut down the tree, you will need a way to transport it out of the original location. The Cat Rental Store dealers offer multiple equipment types for tree transportation. 

One example of this is a forwarder. With a forwarder, you can lift the logs off the ground, making the removal process easier when you don't want to drag them on the earth. For forwarders, the size of the equipment you need will depend on your operations. Small forwarders work well for situations where you will carry between 2,000 and 6,000 pounds. Medium ones are ideal for 24,000 to 30,000 pounds. Large forwarders have the capacity for up to 44,000 pounds.

3. Take the Logs to a Mill

Once you have used your equipment to transport the felled trees to a landing location, the next step is loading. Typically, these felled trees will be loaded onto a truck. The vehicle will then take the cut trees from your work site to a mill, where they will be further processed. 

4. Rent a Stump Grinder

After felling and transporting the tree, you need to do something with the stump and roots left behind. At The Cat Rental Store dealers, you can rent a stump grinder. The stump grinder has a rotating disc designed to grind the stump and the tree's roots. Stump grinders come in multiple sizes, making it easy to find one that will fit your operation. 

Are There Other Ways to Remove Trees?

You can follow several processes to remove trees. Renting equipment from The Cat Rental Store dealers is an effective way to ensure efficiency in the process. Cat equipment is high-quality and designed for multiple terrains, tree sizes and types. A feller buncher is a great way to remove trees, though be sure to look at other Cat equipment to ensure you find the right fit.

Equipment You Need

The Cat Rental Store network of dealers carries several types of tree removal equipment you might need. Some of the other forestry equipment for rent includes:

  • Brush chippers: This equipment is useful if you are trimming branches and limbs from trees or if your goal is to remove small trees. Brush chippers can gather these items, cut them up into small pieces and make wood chips. 
  • Harvesters: These are self-propelled and can cut and process stems. You can rent harvesters with either wheels or tracks, largely dependent on your work environment. Harvesters are useful if you need to delimb, buck and cut trees to specific lengths.
  • Knuckleboom loaders: This compact yet powerful machine lets you load and transport logs of average sizes. This is one of the most versatile equipment types you can have in logging operations.
  • Skidders: These machines pull cut trees out of your work environment by dragging them across the ground. They have cables or grapples to hold the logs.
  • Tree spades: Tree spades simplify the process of transporting trees and other small plants. They help keep the roots and foliage intact as you go.

Rent Effective Tree Removal Equipment Today

Removing trees from a residential or commercial property can be simple when you have the right equipment. To learn more about our tree removal machinery, call 1-800-RENT-CAT or browse our selection online today.

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